Sure Shot Signs Your Toddler Is Ready For Potty Training

It is really difficult to pin point a specific age or stage when your toddler is ready for potty training. However there are a few things which will clearly indicate when your little one is ready to be potty trained. Here are some apparent signs your toddler is ready for potty training. Look out for these and once you notice it you can start potty training at home itself.


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It is important for me to mention here that each child is different and so will be his/her readiness to be potty trained. Do not rush from diapers to the toilet training just because your neighbor’s child who is as old as your child is being trained. Be patient and don’t bother if your child is showing no inclination to be potty trained. It will happen in time and in the meantime look out for these tops signs your toddler is ready for potty training.

a) Hiding or announcing their poos and pees

Whenever my little one pooped in her diaper she would hide or go into a room where no one was there to see her. Some children hide while others announce that they are doing “poopy”. Both of these indicate that the child is realizing and is aware of this important body function.

It is just that he/she has to slightly change the way or the place in which they poo or pee. Hiding and announcing is normally the first sign parents should look out for to potty train their little ones.

b) Needs less diaper changes

When a toddler remains dry for an hour or two without wetting his/her diaper it is a sign that he is able to control his bladder to some extent. Sometimes you may find that your little ones diaper is completely dry after the afternoon nap. These are indications that the child is ready to control his peeing and can be toilet trained.

c) Regular Pattern of pooing

If your child regularly poos at the same time every day it is time you started training him/her. If you know for instance that he poos after nap time try to train him to use the toilet as soon as he gets up. Kids form a pattern and normally stick to it which makes it easy for us to start the training.

If your child has shown the above signs you can assume that it is a good time to start potty training. For those of you who have noticed signs your toddler is ready for potty training but are clueless about how to actually begin the training it may be worthwhile to take a look at the following page. It contains detailed information on preparing parents/toddler for potty training and the actual potty training process for toddlers. To visit this page please CLICK HERE