The Real Mystery Behind My Recurring BV – Something I Never Figured out For a Long Time

I was a chronic vaginosis sufferer. I used to suffer from recurring bv which just kept coming back each time I thought I had got rid of it permanently. The pain and grief caused due to bv symptoms is something which is hard to be described in words. Trust me I had tried almost all the medicines available for treating bv without much luck. Finally I made use of some excellent natural cure for bv which put me out of my misery eventually.


Today for the benefit of those who may be suffering from recurring bv like I did, I am going to share information on natural cures for bv which worked for me. I am happy to be totally free of bv today but am not sure whether the cures which did the trick for me will cure bv completely for others too. Nevertheless here are the 2 remedies which worked for me.

Ladies you will be shocked to know that although feminine hygiene is important, it is not the cause of bv  in most women as you may have been led to believe.

Personally for me the cause of bv was something I found out after carefully keeping a check on what I did just before bv used to set in. For me having unprotected sex was the major cause of recurring bv.

When we do not make use of condoms the male semen tends to alter the pH balance of the vagina resulting in vaginosis. Similarly if you have multiple sexual partners with whom you practice unprotected sex chances are that your vaginal pH will definitely get disturbed. Therefore to get rid of bv completely make use of condoms and avoid having multiple sexual partners.


Once you have bv here are some natural cures for bv which will provide relief from most of its symptoms

  1. Supplements

Although not really a natural cure in literal sense, supplements are very useful to restore the vaginal ph fast. When you are suffering from bv you can take 2 acidophilus pills and one multi- vitamin supplement every day. The multi-vitamin will help in boosting your body immunity and the acidophilus pills will help in restoring the levels of good bacteria required in the vagina.


  1. Boric Acid

Dilute boric acid with water and use it as a rinse to wash the vaginal area. Boric acid will also benefit you in two ways- it will restore the pH balance if the vagina and at the same time encourage the growth of good bacteria. Normally washing the vagina twice a day with diluted boric acid for 6-7 days should help you get rid of bv. However if bv persists for more than a week after applying this solution continue using this natural cure for bv for an additional 3-4 days.

By making use of these 2 remedies I got rid of my recurring bv completely (ps: it has not come back for over 6 months now). My advice to chronic vaginosis sufferers would be to not depend on medicines alone to treat bv. There are a number of natural cures for bv which can be used to treat this condition.

I recently came across a proven all natural technique which helps get rid of bacterial vaginosis in a matter of less than 3 days. Developed by a chronic vaginosis sufferer herself this technique has already saved the sex life of thousands of women world-wide. It is guaranteed to provide permanent relief from recurring bv and embarrassing vaginal odor in just 3 days.

To know more about this all natural cure for bv please click here

Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedy & Facts For Vaginal PH Balance Restoration

Well I still really don’t know how I ended up with BV (bacterial vaginosis). Irrespective of how I got it I was desperate to find out bacterial vaginosis remedies that would eliminate my infection for good. I was ready to do anything to get rid of it permanently. It was very frustrating experience- my panties were always soaked and I was always scared that others would catch my fishy odor!

I did not have insurance at that time and needed to find a way to treat the condition without going to a doctor. I did a lot of research on the internet. I figured out some of the common causes of bv in women. During my search for bv facts I also got to know about some of the risk factors which can greatly enhance the chances of one getting bv. Here in this article I am going to

a) Share basic information about bv which women suffering from this condition should be aware of and
b) Details of simple, DIY home remedy for bacterial vaginosis which finally gave me relief from chronic bv for good.


What is the primary cause of BV in majority of women?
It is proven fact that bv occurs due to an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina. The pH level of a healthy vagina is normally acidic and when this balance is disturbed, the pH level becomes alkaline. This causes bv. Some of the common symptoms of bv include burning and itching of the vagina, along with a fishy smelling whitish grayish discharge.

Antibiotics for bv cure

Antibiotics and over the counter medication prescribed commonly by doctors to get rid of bv merely provide relief from symptoms of this condition. Conventional medicines do nothing to restore the ph balance of the vagina which is the primary cause of bv.

What are some of the common causes of vagina ph imbalance?

The vaginal imbalance can occur due to a number of factors. Some of these include
excessive douching,

  • having multiple sexual partners,
  • having unprotected sex and
  • use of IUDs.

Common symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis include

  • Abnormal or excessive vaginal discharge
  • Discharge with a foul fishy smell
  • A slimy feeling or feeling of being dirty
  • Pain in the vulva
  • Painful penetration during sex
  • Foul smelling vaginal discharge during and after sex
  • Vaginal Itching
  • Chronic yeast infections
  • Chronic urinary tract infections
  • Women may be at an increased risk for contacting BV if they
  • Have multiple sexual partners
  • Use an intrauterine device for conception
  • Douche immediately after sex

There are a few bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods which are very effective for treating this infection. For restoring vaginal ph yogurt is the best remedy. In addition to yogurt you can try out the following

1) Hydrogen peroxide douche

To prepare the douche mix ¼ portion 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with ¾ portion of warm distilled water. Douche the vagina once a day with this solution.

2) Acidophilus supplements

Start taking acidophilus supplements. Consume one orally and make use of the other for vaginal insertion every day. For vaginal insertion make use of a tampon applicator. Insert the tampon in the vagina overnight and leave it overnight.

3) Vitamins A, C, and E supplements along-with Folic Acid

Start taking these supplements every day. These are useful to restore the vaginal flora and strengthen the natural immune system of the body.

4) Apple cider vinegar

To restore the acidic nature of the vagina apple cider vinegar is very effective. To make use of this bacterial vaginosis home remedy, soak in warm bath water to which a couple of cups of apple cider vinegar have been added. It is best if you make use of raw, organic apple cider vinegar for this purpose

I used the above-mentioned bacterial vaginosis remedies sincerely for a week. At the end of week one most of my symptoms like the fishy vaginal odor had disappeared. However to be sure that I had got rid of the infection completely I continued making use of these remedies for an additional week. After a couple of weeks my infection was gone and has not come back for over three months now.

Prompt and swift action is always required if you happen to suffer from any ailment that affects sensitive body parts like the vagina or the breasts.

Home remedies for bacterial vaginosis are safe and permanent cures which provide relief naturally without causing any harmful side effects. As compared to conventional medicines this type of treatment for bv ensures that you do not keep getting bv again and again.

I sincerely hope that the above natural cures work for you too. In case you are a chronic sufferer you may be frustrated and looking out for bacterial vaginosis bv a permanent cure. You can consider trying the exact remedy that I used to get rid of my fishy vaginal odor and bv for good. To know more about the treatment that worked like a miracle to eliminate my bv click bacterial vaginosis bv