Shrink Fibroids In Uterus Naturally

In case you are looking out for natural uterine fibroids treatment, then you’re in luck. In this article I am going to share with my story on fibroids. I used to suffer from fibroids in uterus couple of years ago. I chose not to go in for surgery. Instead I made use of natural cures to get rid of my uterine tumors. I am sharing my story for the benefit of others who may be having fibroids in uterus and intending to make use of natural remedies to get rid of it.

I am extremely pleased with the fact that today I am free of fibroids. I am glad that I made use of natural remedies for fibroid cure. Most importantly and my tumors have not come back for over a year now.

To treat fibroids hysterectomy was not an option that I even considered. Although my fibroid tumors were large in size, I was not prepared to go under the knife. I was not too keen on taking hormonal drugs prior to surgery which would only harm my body in the long run. I wanted to at least explore other alternatives available to me before going in for surgery. The only problem was time was running out and my uterine tumors only increased in size.

I did a lot of research, read books, checked out blogs on internet where others had shared their stories to find out the natural options available to me. Slowly I compiled my own list of things to do to get rid of fibroids naturally. Most of these were home cures which I am sure anybody can use. To shrink fibroids in uterus some of the simple steps I took included

a) The main cause of fibroids is excess estrogen. This is not only the natural estrogen but mimickers too derived from pesticides and environmental toxins. To get rid of excess estrogen I underwent liver detox. If you check out on the internet there are a number of liver detox programs available. Check out a few before figuring out what will suit your body the best.

b) Adding soy to our diet balances the hormone levels in the body.


c) Whole grains- are rich in Lignins, is very useful to balance both the hormones progesterone and estrogen in our body.


d) I was slightly overweight which was probably one of the reason for excess estrogen in my body. Maintaining a healthy weight can help to bring down the level of natural estrogen which is both stored in and manufactured by the fat cells. I started exercising regularly to reduce my body weight. Unless you are extremely overweight, any form of moderate exercise for 30 to 45 minutes every day will keep a check on your body weight and help you stay fit.


e) I stayed away from all sorts of processed meat. In fact any kind of processed food contains harmful chemicals and preservatives which can trigger the growth of fibroids.


f) I made it a point to include foods with anti-inflammatory properties such as oats, hops and cumin in my daily intake.

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g) I switched over to eating organic fruits and vegetables.

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h) I drastically reduced my meat intake, particularly red meat.

i) I completely stopped storing food in plastic containers- instead replaced these with steel, cast iron, glass or ceramic ones.

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Within a few weeks of my natural uterine fibroids treatment some of my symptoms like heavy periods and abdominal bloating started to diminish. My ultrasound after about 7 weeks should that my fibroids in uterus had actually shrunk in size.

In case you are interested to know the detailed plan which worked for my fibroid treatment CLICK HERE

Natural Methods to Shrink Fibroids in Uterus

Fibroids in uterus are tissue growths that appear either within the uterine wall on the outside of the uterus or on the inner lining of the uterus. Fibroids in uterus are usually benign or non-cancerous and mostly go unnoticed.

Fibroids remain undetected in many women because small sized tumors rarely cause any symptoms. Only when the tumors increase in size or in case of uterine fibroids growing on or close to a blood vessel do the fibroid symptoms start showing up. Some of the common fibroid symptoms include pain in the abdomen, excessive bleeding, pain during intercourse, inter-period vaginal bleeding and infertility.

Although most doctors recommend surgery for fibroids removal there are far less drastic ways of dealing it. In this article I am going to share details of natural remedies to deal with fibroids in uterus.

Natural cures lay a lot of emphasis on liver detoxification since liver is the main organ responsible for metabolizing excess estrogen from the body. Liver detoxification is therefore recommended by most natural medicine practitioners as part of fibroid treatment plan. This ensures that the liver is functioning effectively at all times. Some of the alternative fibroid treatment methods include:


Acupuncture is very useful to clear and tone the body’s healing channels by releasing blockages or restoring flow of energy. It is an ancient form of healing that is used in treatment of a number of women’s health issues including uterus fibroids.



Exercise can play a major role in dissolving or shrinking fibroids. It is very useful for overall well-being and can specifically assist in regularizing menstrual periods and hormonal balance in the body.

Reducing exposure to estrogen mimickers

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Excess estrogen is one of the known causes of fibroid growth in women. In addition to estrogen present naturally in our body there are certain estrogen-mimicking chemicals present in a number of things we use in daily life. These include birth control pills, bleached tampons, food which is not organically grown etc. While undergoing fibroid treatment it is very important to reduce the exposure to these mimickers which can also contribute to the growth of fibroids in uterus.


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Herbal remedies are very useful to restore hormonal imbalance in the body. However herbal remedies must be used only under the guidance and supervision of a qualified herbalist. The treatment period may be slightly longer when you undergo herbal treatment. Herbs which are effective in treating fibroids include extract of yucca root, poke root oil, dandelion and echinacea as well as rose hip extract.

When I started looking out for a qualified herbal medicine practitioner to help me get rid of fibroids in uterus naturally, I was not able to find one easily. I therefore started looking for alternative options to shrink fibroids on the internet.

Thanks to internet I came across a number of true stories of women who had successfully treated fibroids naturally with the help of non-surgical methods. I participated in some of the women’s health forum and interacted with other fibroid sufferers. During such one interaction I came to know of a 7 step plan developed by an alternate medical practitioner that has helped thousands of women the world over shrink fibroids naturally. This plan comes with a money back guarantee and is available for immediate download anywhere in the world. If you are interested in knowing more about this plan CLICK HERE.

Natural treatment for Fibroids – How to Go About it?

Have you been diagnosed with fibroids? Are you still in the process of identifying the course of treatment for fibroids? There are various options available for you depending upon severity of your uterine fibroid symptoms. The fibroid treatment options range from surgery for removal of fibroids to natural fibroid treatment.

Statistically over two-thirds of women in the reproductive age suffer from fibroids. Of these, majority never come to know of their fibroids since the tumors are so small that it rarely causes any symptoms.

However for those suffering from large-sized fibroids or multiple fibroids in uterus the symptoms can be severe. Fibroid symptoms include pain during intercourse, frequent urination or urine retention, heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods or bleeding between periods, urinary incontinence, backache or leg pain and infertility too.

Fibroids natural treatment is one of the best ways to deal with uterine tumors. This kind of treatment focuses on eliminating each and every possible cause of fibroids in a systematic manner. Natural remedies which are usually plant-based are used for treatment which are absolutely safe for use and rarely cause any adverse side effects.

Fibroids natural treatment will work provided you are willing to devote your personal time and effort in getting rid of the uterine tumors. Natural remedies take some time to produce results. Hence the treatment period may be a bit longer when you make use of natural remedies. However the relief which you will get by resorting to natural course of treatment will be a permanent one without any chances of the tumors growing back.

One of the known causes of fibroids growth is excess estrogen in the body. Natural medicine practitioners give a lot of emphasis to this aspect. High levels of estrogen can cause hormonal imbalance and trigger the growth of fibroids in uterus. To regularize hormonal balance as part of natural treatment plan you will be required to

a) undergo liver detox to ensure that the liver is functioning effectively and is in a position to metabolize excess estrogen from the body.

b) reduce or maintain optimum body weight since estrogen tends to get accumulated in the fat cells of the body.

c) reduce exposure to estrogen mimickers found in birth control pills, inorganically grown food, bleached tampons, and drugs used in hormone-therapy treatments.

To improve the functioning of the liver there are a number of things you can do. These are

a) A good liver detoxification program. By performing a search for liver cleansing on the internet you will be able to identify a program which will suit you the best. Alternatively consult a doctor who will be able to prescribe a detoxification program for you.

b) You can take supplements to improve liver functioning. Some of effective ones include:

1. Milk Thistle: aids in liver cell rejuvenation.


2. Dandelion root: stimulates bile production and helps purge the liver


3. Artichoke: contains compounds that rejuvenate cells within the liver similar to milk thistle.


4. Tumeric: Increases levels of liver supporting enzymes and also assists in bile production. This can easily be included in most of the dishes that you cook at home.


The lack of natural help for women with fibroids led an alternative practitioner to develop a complete 7 step fibroid natural treatment plan. This plan is available for immediate download on the internet and is completely guaranteed. However this plan is not for all. It is only for women who are ready to take charge of their own treatment for fibroids. It requires personal commitment to follow the plan and stick to it. Please bear in mind that this is not a quick fix solution which will provide you instant results overnight. To know more about this plan CLICK HERE.

Uterine Fibroids and Fertility- Can Fibroids Impact Fertility?

Are you trying to find out the link between uterine fibroids and pregnancy? Are you worried that uterine tumors can cause fertility issues for you? Can uterine tumors stop you from conceiving? Let me assure you that although there can be a connection between the two, majority of women with uterine tumors indeed go on to have successful pregnancies and deliver healthy babies. Fibroid tumors in uterus are non-cancerous or benign growths of the uterus which develop during childbearing years. Fibroid grow in the smooth muscle layer of the uterus.

In this article I am going to share information on different types of fibroid tumors in uterus which can cause complications during the pre-conception stage. It is important for you to understand that the effect of uterine tumors may vary from person to person. Hence fertility may not be necessarily impacted for all women suffering from fibroids.

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the muscular walls of the uterus. These are more common in women who are 35 years of age or older. Rarely do women under the age of 20 have fibroids. Usually fibroid tumors automatically start shrinking on their own with the onset of menopause. Research has indicated that black women are nine times more susceptible to suffering from fibroids than white women. The exact cause for this however remains a mystery. Another category of women more prone to suffering from fibroids are women who are overweight. This is because of higher levels of estrogen stored in the fat cells of the body.

How uterine tumors impact pregnancy?

Normally uterine tumors do not affect fertility in majority of women. Only in a very small proportion of women uterine tumors cause complications at the pre-conception stage. This happens when the tumors are large in size or numbers. Following are different types of uterine tumors which can hinder conception:

a) Large subserosal fibroids which grow on the outer covering of the uterus can cause blockade to form in the fallopian tube. This in-turn can affect passage of sperm and eggs in the fallopian tube.


b) When intramural fibroids are located in the cervical region it may prevent the sperm from entering the uterus.


c) Submucosal fibroids which develop just beneath the inner lining of the uterus, may block the fallopian tube. As a result, sperm will not able to enter the fallopian tube in order to fertilize an egg.


Both intramural and submucosal fibroids can actually increase the size of the uterus cavity. Thus the sperm has to travel a greater distance to reach the egg. These tumors also interfere with the natural ability of the uterus to contract. This too can hinder the transport of the sperm and the egg.


(Uterine cavity)

Many women come to know of uterine fibroids and pregnancy at the same time. In majority of women fibroids do not interfere with conception or pregnancy in any way. In fact most women with fibroids have a safe and healthy pregnancy without any complications. A few unlucky ones may face certain problems which can be easily overcome with the help of right treatment. The best way to treat uterine tumors both before and during pregnancy is to adopt a plan that is non-invasive, does not cause any harmful side effects and helps in shrinking fibroids permanently. Hormonal imbalance is one of the known causes of fibroid growth. This can be easily rectified with the help of natural cures.

It is indeed possible to have fibroid and pregnancy which is absolutely safe and trouble-free. However if you become aware of your uterine tumors before getting pregnant it makes sense to seek treatment for uterine tumors first. Natural remedies can help shrink fibroids safely without any adverse side effects.

Do you want to get rid of fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Fibroid Treatment

Symptoms of Fibroids Post Menopause

Normally fibroids never develop post menopause. In fact fibroids are known to shrink and automatically and eventually disappear with the onset of menopause. However in some women, certain rare cases the uterine tumors actually start growing after menopause. A fibroid that grows fast is basically a clear indication of the uterine tumor turning cancerous. Although most fibroids are benign, in case of women whose fibroids grow rapidly after menopause the risk of developing cancer increases substantially. The risk of such women developing uterine cancer goes up from 1 in a 1,000 to 1 in a hundred.

The purpose of this article is to share with you information on some of the common symptoms which will indicate the growth of fibroids after menopause. These symptoms should put women who have attained menopause on alert. Immediately after noticing any or all of these symptoms it is essential to consult a doctor. It is a misconception that women in the post-menopausal stage cannot develop fibroids.

a) Pain: This pain will be somewhat similar to menstrual cramps. It will be particularly noticeable during sexual intercourse. Lower back pain and constipation are some of the other things which may occur depending upon where the uterine tumor is located and which organ it is pressing down on.


(Schematic drawing of various types of uterine fibroids: a=subserosal fibroids, b=intramural fibroids, c=submucosal fibroid, d=pedunculated submucosal fibroid, e=fibroid in statu nascendi, f=fibroid of the broad ligament)

b) Pelvic Pressure: with growth of uterine fibroid tumor it can cause immense pressure your pelvic region. Some women may even be able to feel a hard spot through the skin. Fibroids which are large in size can even distort the shape of the uterus and press on the organs near the uterus.

c) Frequent or difficulty in urination: Large sized tumors can press the urinary bladder and cause problems related to urination.

d) Abdominal Bloat: similar to the bloating which most of us experience just before the onset of our menstrual cycle.
Excess estrogen is known to trigger the growth of uterine tumors in most women. However with the onset of menopause there is a decrease in the amount of estrogen naturally produced by the body. This should automatically make the tumors shrink in size and disappear altogether. When this does not happen and there is growth of fibroids post menopause, it is a cause of concern which must never be ignored.

Alternative fibroid treatment methods are holistic plans which aim to eliminate each and every possible cause of fibroids in a systematic manner. For example by eating right you will be able to control or block the estrogen from entering the body and contributing to fibroid growth. Eating anti inflammatory foods can also help to provide relief from fibroid tumors symptoms. Foods such as oats and cumin are very useful for this. Other natural ways to treat fibroids includes exercising on a regular basis and eating low-fat, lean meat with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.


( Healthy diet chart for post menopausal women)

It is best to undergo natural fibroid treatment under the guidance and supervision of a qualified natural medicine practitioner. When I started looking out for qualified natural medicine practitioner to help me identify natural remedies for treating fibroids, I had difficulty in finding one. I therefore sought for help online. Thanks to internet I came across a number of true stories of women who had successfully treated fibroids naturally with the help of non-surgical methods. I was also able to locate an online 7 step plan developed by an alternate medical practitioner which has helped thousands of women the world over shrink fibroids naturally.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine fibroid treatment

Excellent Tips for Treating Fibroid Tumors in Uterus

Fibroid tumors in uterus are one of the reasons for a large number of women undergoing hysterectomy these days. Not all women with fibroids need to have this surgery to get rid of fibroids. In case the fibroid tumors are small in size and numbers efforts can be made to shrink fibroids naturally instead of going under the knife.

Fibroids are rarely life threatening. Hence it may be worthwhile to opt for natural treatment for fibroid cure instead of surgery. In case the natural remedies for fibroid treatment prove to be ineffective, one always has the option to get the fibroid surgically removed. The purpose of this article is to highlight some simple self-care tips for fibroid cure. Women undergoing fibroid treatment, natural or otherwise will benefit a lot by making use of these tips

Wrong food is the main cause of most of the ailments that we suffer from. When we eat wrong foods, it affects our weight, heart, cholesterol and fibroids as well. Natural fibroid treatment involves a holistic approach. It combines different strategies based on diet, exercise and alternative cures to get rid fibroid tumors in uterus.

Following are some of the things you can do to shrink fibroids naturally:

1. Stop taking birth control pills which are known to cause hormonal imbalance and encourage the growth of uterine tumors. After consulting your doctor switch to other forms of contraception like the diaphragm or condoms.


2. Consume a diet rich in fiber and whole-foods. Include at least four to five servings of fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily intake.

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3. Stay away from fried foods, animal fats, hydrogentated fats and oils, refined sugars, caffeine and alcohol.

4. Pineapple contains Bromale which is very effective in reducing the inflammation in the body. However it is essential to consume it in fresh form and not the tinned variety.


5. Bloating caused by uterine tumors can be reduced to a large extent by eating plain yogurt that has live cultures it.


6. Flax seeds are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. Make use of these seeds by grinding it in a coffee grinder. Mix it in salads, soups, or any drink to reduce inflammation.


7. Certain yoga practices are very useful to shrink fibroids naturally. Postures like Bharadvajasana (Sage Bharadvaja’s Twist) and Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose) have proven to be extremely useful since they help to open up the area around the abdomen. However it is important for you to keep changing your yoga practices as the size of your fibroids grows or reduces. Hence it is best to consult a yoga trainer to guide you regarding the practices which will suit you the best.

1. Bharadvajasana



2.Janu Sirsasana


Fibroid tumors in uterus can be treated with the help of natural remedies. However natural fibroid treatment requires your personal time and efforts. This type of treatment will not give you instant results overnight. You need to be patient and continue with your efforts at least for a few months before the results start showing up.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Fibroid Treatment

Uterine Fibroids and Pregnancy – What to expect?

Uterine fibroids and pregnancy often happen at the same time. In fact many women remain ignorant about their uterine tumors. Only when they go in for routine gynecological test do they come to know of the fibroids. Sometimes women get to know of fibroids after conceiving when they go in for an ultrasound checkup.


Majority of women with fibroids have safe, full term pregnancy. However in some rare cases the uterine tumors increases the chance of miscarriage during the first or second trimester. In some women it can also cause preterm labor.

Fibroids can impact pregnancy in many ways. In this article I have outlined 3 ways in which fibroids can interfere with pregnancy


(Schematic drawing of various types of uterine fibroids: a=subserosal fibroids, b=intramural fibroids, c=submucosal fibroid, d=pedunculated submucosal fibroid, e=fibroid in statu nascendi, f=fibroid of the broad ligament) 

a) A fertilized egg will not be able to implant in the uterus if the uterine wall already has a fibroid tumor growing on it. The fertilized egg will be miscarried almost immediately in such cases.

b) Uterine tumors that grow very close to the fallopian tubes and block the passage to the tube partially or completely can even prevent conception. These uterine tumors will stop the egg from coming down and prevent the sperm from meeting the egg.

c) Fibroids can complicate pregnancy when the fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall close to which a uterine tumor is already located. If the fibroid tumor continues to grow, it will eventually demand both space and nourishment. Such tumors can cause miscarriages.

In most women fibroids normally will not cause any issues during pregnancy. Hence most doctors just keep a close watch on the way in which the uterine tumors grow. Doctors also keep patients informed about the common symptoms which the uterine tumors may cause as they increase in size and numbers.

If you have uterine fibroids and pregnancy at the same time it is best to make use of natural remedies to keep a check on the growth of fibroid tumors. Natural treatment for fibroids should start with an enhanced consumption of fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables rich in iron.

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Eating plenty of fiber – whole grains and legumes is also beneficial. At the same time it is important to avoid dairy products. If you must have dairy go for the organic variety. Lowering the consumption of red meat and including fish in the diet may also be useful. For women who cannot stay away from red meat, it is advisable to consume only range-fed or organic meats that are free of drugs, hormones and pesticides. This will ensure minimum exposure to harmful estrogen mimicking substances found in environmental pollutants.

Fibroids are rarely life threatening. Hence you can safely go in for natural treatment. To keep a check on the growth of fibroids while undergoing natural fibroid treatment get regular ultra sound checks done at regular intervals.

Wrong food is the main cause of most of the ailments that we suffer from. When we eat wrong foods, it affects our weight, heart, cholesterol and fibroids as well. Natural fibroid treatment involves a holistic approach. It combines different strategies based on diet, exercise and alternative cures to get rid of fibroid tumors in uterus.


Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will work to produce results in matter of weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine Fibroid Treatment

3 Stretch Mark Home Remedies for Fast Relief

The overstretching of the skin normally results in scars which we refer to as l stretch marks. Stretch marks are common in people who gain or lose weight rapidly. The dermis which lies below the surface of the skin tears as a result of overstretching caused due to sudden changes that happen in the body.


Getting rid of stretch marks can be expensive if you opt for modern treatment options like the laser therapy. However good old home remedies for stretch marks are much safer option for treating such skin problems. In addition to cost savings you can be sure that natural home remedies for stretch mark do not cause any other damage to your skin externally or internally.

Here are some of the things you can do from home for treating stretch marks safely, quickly

1. Grapefruit Seed Extract


Grapefruit seed extract is excellent for making the skin smooth and healthy. It can also prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Its medical properties are somewhat similar to DL-Penthenol. It has natural properties to generate collagen and elastin. This in turn is very useful to restore the damage caused to the skin with stretch mark tear.
The simplest way to make use of grapefruit seed extract to get rid of stretch marks is to directly massage it over the affected area. This will tone up the skin and also assist in stretch mark prevention.

2. Vitamin E


Vitamin E is good for maintaining good skin. Irrespective of whether you use it for treating stretch marks or not making use of vitamin E based creams and lotions is excellent for the skin. It shields and protects the skin from tearing and stretch marks.
There are different types of Vitamin E available for treating skin disorder. The one best suited for stretch marks cure is alpha-tocopherol. Research has indicated that this type of Vitamin E is effective in reducing the scarring of skin. It can help in getting rid of stretch marks or at least make them fade away by repairing the damaged layers of skin and by forming new layers.

3. Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera is a natural cure for effectively repairing skin tears which are noticeable when stretch marks occur. It is also known to prevent or reduce the occurrence of stretch marks in the body.

Popularly used for treating skin cuts, scrapes and tears, Aloe vera is now increasingly being used for stretch marks treatment also. Aloe vera is rich in vitamin A which improves the skin elasticity. It also contains vitamin E which is required to maintain soft smooth and healthy skin. For making use of aloe vera to get rid of stretch marks massage the fleshy pulp of aloe vera directly on the stretch marks. The enzymes present in aloe vera are very useful in promoting the removal of damaged tissues while keeping the skin hydrated and healthy.

The above home remedies for stretch mark cure can be used in isolation (ie) singly or in combination. In fact you can use a couple of remedies at the same time for best results. Thanks to scientific research and development there are a number of skin care products available in the market today for treating a whole lot of skin conditions. Some products are completely natural and combine a variety of natural ingredients to provide safe and quick relief from conditions like stretch marks.

My name is Melanie Paul. I am an ardent natural health enthusiast. For any health issues if I can use natural remedies, that’s what I go in for. I research, pen articles on different health disorders which affects us and share information on some of the best ways to deal with them naturally. I have more information on stretch mark treatment. In case you are interested in knowing about it CLICK HERE

How to Lighten Stretch Marks at Home?

Stretch marks are normally a result of sudden changes that happen in our body- (eg) pregnancy, puberty or sudden weight gain. Often people who practice weight lifting also develop stretch marks. Stretch marks can appear in any part of the body- abdomen, back, upper arms, breasts, buttocks or legs.


Stretch marks do not cause any physical discomfort or pain. However it can affect the overall appearance of the concerned body part. In this article I am going to share information regarding some simple home remedies to lighten stretch marks and make them seem less prominent.

1. Lemon juice


Lime is acidic in nature and has natural bleaching properties. It is one of the easiest and simplest home remedies for lighting stretch marks. To make use of lemon, squeeze out the fresh lime juice and rub it gently onto the affected skin. Let it remain on the skin for 10 -15 minutes. Thereafter rinse off with a little warm water. Repeat this lime wash 2-3 times a day for at least a month to lighten the stretch marks.

Lime juice can also be combined with cucumber juice for stretch marks home treatment. For this you must mix equal quantities of lemon juice and cucumber juice and apply it on the stretch marks.

2. Oil massage


A number of vegetable oils are very useful in massaging and making stretch marks fade. Some of the excellent natural vegetable oils which can be used for this purpose include coconut oil, castor oil and olive oil. For best results the oil should be massaged on the affected area and left for some time. While making use of castor oil for stretch marks warm the oil slightly and rub it directly on the skin. Next wrap a cloth dipped in hot water over the area in which oil has been applied. This is an excellent home remedy for getting rid of stretch marks.

3. Potato juice


A simple home remedy to reduce the appearance of stretch marks is potato juice. Potatoes are inexpensive and easily available. It is rich in certain kinds of vitamins and minerals which help in restoration of new cells and promote the growth of cells. For making use of potato cut a potato into two halves or into thin slices and rub the slices on the stretch marks. Wash this off with water only after the juice dries up completely. Regular application of potato juice is very useful to lighten stretch marks on the skin.

4. Egg white


This is an amazing home cure for stretch marks. Although a little sticky and smelly, it works wonders for treating a number of skin issues. Egg whites are rich in proteins. Proteins found in egg whites are very helpful in rejuvenating the skin. It actually helps in re-building the skin and making it fresh. For getting rid of stretch marks egg white must be applied on the affected body part 1-3 times a day. For application collect the whites from two eggs, whip it gently and apply as a thick layer directly on the stretch marks. Rinse it off with water after it dries up completely. Next moisturize the area by rubbing it with a little olive oil.

My name is Melanie Paul. I am an ardent natural health enthusiast. For any health issues if I can use natural remedies, that’s what I go in for. I research, pen articles on different health disorders which affects us and share information on some of the best ways to deal with them naturally. I have more information on stretch mark treatment. In case you are interested in knowing about it CLICK HERE

Simple Home Remedies To Remove Stretch Marks On Inner Thighs

Stretch marks affect all- men, women and children. Irrespective of whether one is young or old, fat or thin stretch marks can develop. Although stretch marks do not cause any physical discomfort or pain, it can affect the self image and esteem of a person. Only in case of pregnant women there is a rationale for appearance of these marks. In case of stretch marks in adolescents and others it can impact the physical appearance of the body and cause embarrassment. Here in this article I am going to share some simple home remedies which are effective in removing stretch marks on inner thighs.


What causes stretch marks?

Before we get into the actual remedies, let us briefly understand what causes stretch marks. Simply put any kind of sudden or rapid weight gain can result in stretch marks. These marks are a result of tiny tears in the skin caused due to stretching. It can occur

• During pregnancy,

• When one gains weight rapidly,

• At the time of adolescence or

• As the result of corticosteroid medications or

Certain medical conditions like Cushing’s syndrome and Marfan syndrome can also cause stretch marks.

Can stretch marks on inner thighs be prevented?

Normally stretch marks in the inner thighs are caused due to excessive weight gain. Hence by maintaining a healthy body weight one can avoid this problem. For maintaining healthy weight appropriate to ones age, it is essential to practice a healthy lifestyle. This would include eating healthy and exercising. Consuming variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains and engaging in moderate form of exercise for at least 30 minutes daily can help in weight management. Even during pregnancy by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising moderately it is possible to make the weight gain process gradual and minimize the appearance of stretch marks.

Home remedies for stretch marks on the inner thighs

1) Essential oils mixture


This is one of the best home remedies to reduce stretch marks on inner thighs. This mixture can be prepared by adding an ounce of carrier oil- you can choose any of sweet almond, avocado, or jojoba with 5 drops of chamomile and 7 seven drops of lavender oil. Applying this mix twice daily on the affected area will reduce the appearance of stretch marks and make them fade away.

2) Castor Oil


Castor oil is popularly used for treating a number of skin ailments like wrinkles and age spots. It is also known to be useful in reducing stretch marks quickly. To quickly get rid of stretch marks on inner thighs you should apply castor oil on the stretch marks and gently massage the area in circular motion for at least 15 minutes. Thereafter cover the area with a clean, cotton cloth. Next apply heat with the help of a hot water bottle or a pad by placing it over the cotton cloth for 15-20 minutes.

3) Lavender oil


Lavender oil is also a very effective home remedy for reducing stretch marks on the inner thighs. For best results Lavender oil must be applied 2-3 times every day to the affected area. This will induce the growth of new skin tissues and make the stretch marks fade away gradually.

My name is Melanie Paul. I am an ardent natural health enthusiast. For any health issues if I can use natural remedies, that’s what I go in for. I research, pen articles on different health disorders which affects us and share information on some of the best ways to deal with them naturally. I have more information on stretch mark treatment. In case you are interested in knowing about it CLICK HERE