Natural Methods to Shrink Fibroids in Uterus

Fibroids in uterus are tissue growths that appear either within the uterine wall on the outside of the uterus or on the inner lining of the uterus. Fibroids in uterus are usually benign or non-cancerous and mostly go unnoticed.

Fibroids remain undetected in many women because small sized tumors rarely cause any symptoms. Only when the tumors increase in size or in case of uterine fibroids growing on or close to a blood vessel do the fibroid symptoms start showing up. Some of the common fibroid symptoms include pain in the abdomen, excessive bleeding, pain during intercourse, inter-period vaginal bleeding and infertility.

Although most doctors recommend surgery for fibroids removal there are far less drastic ways of dealing it. In this article I am going to share details of natural remedies to deal with fibroids in uterus.

Natural cures lay a lot of emphasis on liver detoxification since liver is the main organ responsible for metabolizing excess estrogen from the body. Liver detoxification is therefore recommended by most natural medicine practitioners as part of fibroid treatment plan. This ensures that the liver is functioning effectively at all times. Some of the alternative fibroid treatment methods include:


Acupuncture is very useful to clear and tone the body’s healing channels by releasing blockages or restoring flow of energy. It is an ancient form of healing that is used in treatment of a number of women’s health issues including uterus fibroids.



Exercise can play a major role in dissolving or shrinking fibroids. It is very useful for overall well-being and can specifically assist in regularizing menstrual periods and hormonal balance in the body.

Reducing exposure to estrogen mimickers

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Excess estrogen is one of the known causes of fibroid growth in women. In addition to estrogen present naturally in our body there are certain estrogen-mimicking chemicals present in a number of things we use in daily life. These include birth control pills, bleached tampons, food which is not organically grown etc. While undergoing fibroid treatment it is very important to reduce the exposure to these mimickers which can also contribute to the growth of fibroids in uterus.


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Herbal remedies are very useful to restore hormonal imbalance in the body. However herbal remedies must be used only under the guidance and supervision of a qualified herbalist. The treatment period may be slightly longer when you undergo herbal treatment. Herbs which are effective in treating fibroids include extract of yucca root, poke root oil, dandelion and echinacea as well as rose hip extract.

When I started looking out for a qualified herbal medicine practitioner to help me get rid of fibroids in uterus naturally, I was not able to find one easily. I therefore started looking for alternative options to shrink fibroids on the internet.

Thanks to internet I came across a number of true stories of women who had successfully treated fibroids naturally with the help of non-surgical methods. I participated in some of the women’s health forum and interacted with other fibroid sufferers. During such one interaction I came to know of a 7 step plan developed by an alternate medical practitioner that has helped thousands of women the world over shrink fibroids naturally. This plan comes with a money back guarantee and is available for immediate download anywhere in the world. If you are interested in knowing more about this plan CLICK HERE.