How to Shrink Fibroids Naturally with Liver Detox

Many women wonder how they can shrink fibroids naturally in a bid to either avoid surgery or to make life comfortable for themselves. Living with fibroids is not easy! For many, the pain, bloating and excessive bleeding can be a physical and emotional drain. After a certain point when the fibroids grow in size and numbers it is almost unbearable to live with this condition.

If a woman decides to try to shrink her fibroids naturally, it is important that she understands a little about the nature of the condition. Fibroids are not caused by a disease or germ, but brought about by a combination of lifestyle factors and certain environmental factors of which we can do nothing about. To a certain extent, fibroids are brought about by some factors which are outside our control, such as race and heredity. However, there are many other factors which undoubtedly contribute to fibroid growth and can be controlled to some extent.

Estrogen is very influential in the woman’s body and can both spark off the growth of new fibroids and increase the size of existing ones. Fortunately estrogen levels in the body can be controlled to a certain extent and one of the best ways of doing this is by diet. Estrogen is both stored in and manufactured by fat cells. The more fat cells we have in our body, the more estrogen there is circulating in the body. By reducing body weight to a level which gives you a healthy “BMI”, you will be naturally reducing the amount of estrogen in the body and therefore potentially, the size and number of fibroids too.bmi chart

Natural cures lay a lot of emphasis on liver detoxification since liver is the main organ responsible for metabolizing excess estrogen from the body. Liver detoxification is therefore recommended by most natural medicine practitioners as part of fibroid treatment plan. This ensures that the liver is functioning effectively at all times.

In addition to estrogen naturally produced by our body there is another form of estrogen which is commonly found in the body of women suffering with fibroids. This is basically an estrogen-mimicking compound which becomes locked in the liver. Under normal circumstances, the liver is a highly effective detoxifer which carries out its functions without any help. However in women suffering from fibroids, the liver is not in a position to get rid of the estogen mimicking compound on its own.

This substances originates from environmental pollutants and toxins which are present around us. An effective liver detoxification program can help in eliminating these pollutants and toxins thereby causing fibroids to shrink fast. It will also assist in putting an end to growth of new fibroids tumors. Herbs like Camomile, Milk Thistle and Yucca root are known to be good liver detoxifiers.


For liver detox one can also resort to temporary fasting and dietary alterations to boost the functioning of the liver.

If you would like further information about how to make use of liver detox with a view to shrink fibroids fast, naturally CLICK HERE. 

Fibroids In Uterus – How to Shrink Fibroids Fast, Naturally

Fibroids in uterus are tissue growths that appear either within the uterine wall on the outside of the uterus or on the inner lining of the uterus. Fibroids in uterus are usually benign or non-cancerous and mostly go unnoticed.


Fibroids remain undetected in many women because small sized tumors rarely cause any symptoms. Only when the tumors increase in size or in case of uterine fibroids growing on or close to a blood vessel do the fibroid symptoms start showing up. Some of the common fibroid symptoms include pain in the abdomen, excessive bleeding, pain during intercourse, inter-period vaginal bleeding and infertility

Most doctors give two options for treating fibroids. The first most popular option is to simply watch and do nothing about it. This approach is recommended since the uterine tumors automatically shrink in size as soon as you attain menopause.

The second option is to go in for surgery to get rid of uterine tumors. Surgery can be done to remove individual or groups of fibroids. In extreme cases it may also involve hysterectomy, which is the complete removal of the womb.

Taking no action is ok for women whose symptoms are mild or for those who are approaching menopause. In all other cases doing nothing can mean loss of precious time during which the uterine tumors continue to grow in size and numbers.
Hence if you are not prepared to undergo surgery rather than waiting it is best to make use of remedies to shrink fibroids naturally.

These natural remedies are absolutely safe and very good for your overall health and well-being.

Before starting your natural treatment it is important for you to understand about some of the known causes of fibroids.

Fibroid tumors in uterus occur because of estrogen dominance. This can happen if your liver is overloaded and unable to get rid of estrogens naturally. It can also happen in case you expose yourself to estrogen which is present in birth control pills, foods or chemicals in the environment. Pesticides used in foods, plastics and even chemicals used in household cleaners and cosmetics mimic the action of estrogen and promote the growth of fibroids.

How to shrink fibroids naturally- simple DIY tips:

•Switch over to eating organic fruits and vegetables.


•Totally cut down on meat intake, particularly red meat





•Stop eating pre-packaged food which contain harmful preservatives.

•Stop storing food in plastic containers- replace these with steel, cast iron, glass or ceramic ones.




•Stop taking birth control pills and switch over to other forms of contraception.

•Avoid the use of cosmetics which contain paraben, methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl.

•Make use of all natural household cleaners.

•Exercise for 30 minutes every day.

•Do yoga and meditation to relieve stress, remain calm and tension free.



The absence of a natural treatment plan to shrink fibroids fast led an elective expert to compile a 7 step fibroid treatment plan. This plan is accessible for prompt download on the web and is totally ensured. However this plan will not work for all . It is just for ladies who are prepared to assume responsibility of and figure out how to shrink fibroids naturally, fast on their own. Plus this is not a snappy fix plan which will give instant results overnight. If you are willing to put in your efforts and learn how to shrink fibroids fast naturally CLIKC HERE


Natural Methods to Shrink Fibroids in Uterus

Fibroids in uterus are tissue growths that appear either within the uterine wall on the outside of the uterus or on the inner lining of the uterus. Fibroids in uterus are usually benign or non-cancerous and mostly go unnoticed.

Fibroids remain undetected in many women because small sized tumors rarely cause any symptoms. Only when the tumors increase in size or in case of uterine fibroids growing on or close to a blood vessel do the fibroid symptoms start showing up. Some of the common fibroid symptoms include pain in the abdomen, excessive bleeding, pain during intercourse, inter-period vaginal bleeding and infertility.

Although most doctors recommend surgery for fibroids removal there are far less drastic ways of dealing it. In this article I am going to share details of natural remedies to deal with fibroids in uterus.

Natural cures lay a lot of emphasis on liver detoxification since liver is the main organ responsible for metabolizing excess estrogen from the body. Liver detoxification is therefore recommended by most natural medicine practitioners as part of fibroid treatment plan. This ensures that the liver is functioning effectively at all times. Some of the alternative fibroid treatment methods include:


Acupuncture is very useful to clear and tone the body’s healing channels by releasing blockages or restoring flow of energy. It is an ancient form of healing that is used in treatment of a number of women’s health issues including uterus fibroids.



Exercise can play a major role in dissolving or shrinking fibroids. It is very useful for overall well-being and can specifically assist in regularizing menstrual periods and hormonal balance in the body.

Reducing exposure to estrogen mimickers

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Excess estrogen is one of the known causes of fibroid growth in women. In addition to estrogen present naturally in our body there are certain estrogen-mimicking chemicals present in a number of things we use in daily life. These include birth control pills, bleached tampons, food which is not organically grown etc. While undergoing fibroid treatment it is very important to reduce the exposure to these mimickers which can also contribute to the growth of fibroids in uterus.


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Herbal remedies are very useful to restore hormonal imbalance in the body. However herbal remedies must be used only under the guidance and supervision of a qualified herbalist. The treatment period may be slightly longer when you undergo herbal treatment. Herbs which are effective in treating fibroids include extract of yucca root, poke root oil, dandelion and echinacea as well as rose hip extract.

When I started looking out for a qualified herbal medicine practitioner to help me get rid of fibroids in uterus naturally, I was not able to find one easily. I therefore started looking for alternative options to shrink fibroids on the internet.

Thanks to internet I came across a number of true stories of women who had successfully treated fibroids naturally with the help of non-surgical methods. I participated in some of the women’s health forum and interacted with other fibroid sufferers. During such one interaction I came to know of a 7 step plan developed by an alternate medical practitioner that has helped thousands of women the world over shrink fibroids naturally. This plan comes with a money back guarantee and is available for immediate download anywhere in the world. If you are interested in knowing more about this plan CLICK HERE.

Symptoms of Fibroids Post Menopause

Normally fibroids never develop post menopause. In fact fibroids are known to shrink and automatically and eventually disappear with the onset of menopause. However in some women, certain rare cases the uterine tumors actually start growing after menopause. A fibroid that grows fast is basically a clear indication of the uterine tumor turning cancerous. Although most fibroids are benign, in case of women whose fibroids grow rapidly after menopause the risk of developing cancer increases substantially. The risk of such women developing uterine cancer goes up from 1 in a 1,000 to 1 in a hundred.

The purpose of this article is to share with you information on some of the common symptoms which will indicate the growth of fibroids after menopause. These symptoms should put women who have attained menopause on alert. Immediately after noticing any or all of these symptoms it is essential to consult a doctor. It is a misconception that women in the post-menopausal stage cannot develop fibroids.

a) Pain: This pain will be somewhat similar to menstrual cramps. It will be particularly noticeable during sexual intercourse. Lower back pain and constipation are some of the other things which may occur depending upon where the uterine tumor is located and which organ it is pressing down on.


(Schematic drawing of various types of uterine fibroids: a=subserosal fibroids, b=intramural fibroids, c=submucosal fibroid, d=pedunculated submucosal fibroid, e=fibroid in statu nascendi, f=fibroid of the broad ligament)

b) Pelvic Pressure: with growth of uterine fibroid tumor it can cause immense pressure your pelvic region. Some women may even be able to feel a hard spot through the skin. Fibroids which are large in size can even distort the shape of the uterus and press on the organs near the uterus.

c) Frequent or difficulty in urination: Large sized tumors can press the urinary bladder and cause problems related to urination.

d) Abdominal Bloat: similar to the bloating which most of us experience just before the onset of our menstrual cycle.
Excess estrogen is known to trigger the growth of uterine tumors in most women. However with the onset of menopause there is a decrease in the amount of estrogen naturally produced by the body. This should automatically make the tumors shrink in size and disappear altogether. When this does not happen and there is growth of fibroids post menopause, it is a cause of concern which must never be ignored.

Alternative fibroid treatment methods are holistic plans which aim to eliminate each and every possible cause of fibroids in a systematic manner. For example by eating right you will be able to control or block the estrogen from entering the body and contributing to fibroid growth. Eating anti inflammatory foods can also help to provide relief from fibroid tumors symptoms. Foods such as oats and cumin are very useful for this. Other natural ways to treat fibroids includes exercising on a regular basis and eating low-fat, lean meat with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.


( Healthy diet chart for post menopausal women)

It is best to undergo natural fibroid treatment under the guidance and supervision of a qualified natural medicine practitioner. When I started looking out for qualified natural medicine practitioner to help me identify natural remedies for treating fibroids, I had difficulty in finding one. I therefore sought for help online. Thanks to internet I came across a number of true stories of women who had successfully treated fibroids naturally with the help of non-surgical methods. I was also able to locate an online 7 step plan developed by an alternate medical practitioner which has helped thousands of women the world over shrink fibroids naturally.

Do you want to get rid of Uterine fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking – Uterine fibroid treatment