Natural treatment for Fibroids – How to Go About it?

Have you been diagnosed with fibroids? Are you still in the process of identifying the course of treatment for fibroids? There are various options available for you depending upon severity of your uterine fibroid symptoms. The fibroid treatment options range from surgery for removal of fibroids to natural fibroid treatment.

Statistically over two-thirds of women in the reproductive age suffer from fibroids. Of these, majority never come to know of their fibroids since the tumors are so small that it rarely causes any symptoms.

However for those suffering from large-sized fibroids or multiple fibroids in uterus the symptoms can be severe. Fibroid symptoms include pain during intercourse, frequent urination or urine retention, heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged menstrual periods or bleeding between periods, urinary incontinence, backache or leg pain and infertility too.

Fibroids natural treatment is one of the best ways to deal with uterine tumors. This kind of treatment focuses on eliminating each and every possible cause of fibroids in a systematic manner. Natural remedies which are usually plant-based are used for treatment which are absolutely safe for use and rarely cause any adverse side effects.

Fibroids natural treatment will work provided you are willing to devote your personal time and effort in getting rid of the uterine tumors. Natural remedies take some time to produce results. Hence the treatment period may be a bit longer when you make use of natural remedies. However the relief which you will get by resorting to natural course of treatment will be a permanent one without any chances of the tumors growing back.

One of the known causes of fibroids growth is excess estrogen in the body. Natural medicine practitioners give a lot of emphasis to this aspect. High levels of estrogen can cause hormonal imbalance and trigger the growth of fibroids in uterus. To regularize hormonal balance as part of natural treatment plan you will be required to

a) undergo liver detox to ensure that the liver is functioning effectively and is in a position to metabolize excess estrogen from the body.

b) reduce or maintain optimum body weight since estrogen tends to get accumulated in the fat cells of the body.

c) reduce exposure to estrogen mimickers found in birth control pills, inorganically grown food, bleached tampons, and drugs used in hormone-therapy treatments.

To improve the functioning of the liver there are a number of things you can do. These are

a) A good liver detoxification program. By performing a search for liver cleansing on the internet you will be able to identify a program which will suit you the best. Alternatively consult a doctor who will be able to prescribe a detoxification program for you.

b) You can take supplements to improve liver functioning. Some of effective ones include:

1. Milk Thistle: aids in liver cell rejuvenation.


2. Dandelion root: stimulates bile production and helps purge the liver


3. Artichoke: contains compounds that rejuvenate cells within the liver similar to milk thistle.


4. Tumeric: Increases levels of liver supporting enzymes and also assists in bile production. This can easily be included in most of the dishes that you cook at home.


The lack of natural help for women with fibroids led an alternative practitioner to develop a complete 7 step fibroid natural treatment plan. This plan is available for immediate download on the internet and is completely guaranteed. However this plan is not for all. It is only for women who are ready to take charge of their own treatment for fibroids. It requires personal commitment to follow the plan and stick to it. Please bear in mind that this is not a quick fix solution which will provide you instant results overnight. To know more about this plan CLICK HERE.